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Obviously by my pic I run sunbreaker. When it comes to competitive skill I think I'm pretty up there ( one of those guardians who can carry a team ) and I have to say YOU CAN LEAVE A SUNBREAKER DUMBFOUNDED. Every class will encounter sunbreakers and some guardians manning that class will complain so I'm going to talk a little about all of them.
You stormcallers are one of the fastest moving if not the fastest once your super is activated circle around the Titian with your lighting and he'll have a hard time throwing hammers at your face. Unless I have surcharge equipped they get me most the time. And even with it equipped you guys have so much mobility with your range and height, not to mention those close quarters chaining moments...well let's just say your not so vulnerable. I know a handfull of stormcallers and they come in those clutch moments perfectly.
Gunslingers, you have one of the best counter supers in the game, second only to your other subclass nightstalker. Should I even explain why? You hear that familiar sound of the hammer and you activate your own super. Distance and angles are at your advantage so it should at least be a fair fight.
Voidwalkers, you toss a bomb were you want death and your granted the ghost of your enemies, this has to be the 3rd best counter super.
Sunsingers, use high discipline with fusion grenades and if it hasn't already made you appreciate the class even more than try it, and I'm sure you'll like the change .But for crying out loud if a sunbreaker kills you Do Not Revive ( With Fireborn ) Yourself UNLESS YOUR READY FOR THE CHALLENGE, when I see you guys do this I just think "OK double kill" and it's 80% of the time a win in my favor.
Bladedancers, YOU DO NOT HAVE A COUNTER SUPER. Sure you can use it like one I've seen it plenty of times, and while some do kill the other active super most get killed instead, unless they have Razors Edge , which in my opinion makes for a completly aggressive and fully competitive bladedancer due to its reach.
Nightstalkers take the #1 spot for counter supers so yeah...
Striker Titian's don't even have to worry because even if a hammer gets thrown at them the can take it without fail, and before the sunbreaker can get his next hammer off it'll be too late. Especially if they use Death From Above.
The Defender Titan used to be my favorite class in the game before sunbreaker but Relentless just doesn't add enough strength to the bubble to survive the previous counter supers I've mentioned. Don't get me wrong though, it's still a good class that can rack up kills even now. But Relentless needs a serious buff .
Also, it was already discussed but while the H.O.S is as simple as point and shoot (throw/charge, whatever ) you have to have coordination. Countless times I've shotgun/punched a Titian running around with his hammer and I just jump around trying my best to predict and move away from incoming hammers and either run away, out last the super or realize the Titan is terrible with his hammers and go kill him.
No class is perfect and every class is vunurable to failure but every class can be op depending on the user, wait for the hype around sunbreakers to die down and just have fun playing the game .
If you want to know more info about this from a professional watch this video from planet destiny.
I noticed. I thought for sure I'd be getting a 7th column medal every other super but I've yet to do better than 5 kills with 3 being average. And I thought I was supposed to be nigh invulnerable, not so.