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Destiny について話し合おう
gcw0068により編集済み: 12/21/2015 1:17:24 AM

New Destiny Class- "Engineer"

Engineer: New Subclass Description: "Engineers may not be the most agile, or the strongest, or the fastest, or the smartest. They might not even be the best at shooting, or punching, or bending the laws of space and time. But everything else, they [i]are[/i] the best at." Subclass Descriptions: Mechanic: “A Sparrow is a Mechanic’s best friend. Along with autoturrets. As well as deployable radars. And jet boosters, Overshields, EMP explosions, Et cetera.” Supplier: “When a few simple bullets aren’t enough to get the job done, there’s a simple solution: More bullets.” Arsonist: “Fight fire with fire. Fight water with fire. Fight guns with fire. That’s all there is to it.” Class Item- Belt Default Melee: Resonate: 70 damage. Range = to former Titan’s. If the blow is precision it triggers an explosion of 35 elemental damage in a 1 meter radius around the struck foe. This blast does not harm the user of this melee. Armor:Cloth Ratio- 50:50 Default Class Stats: Moderate agility, recovery, and armor (= to default Hunter armor, recovery for a Titan, and agility for a Warlock) Class Stat Modifiers: Training and Path Training: “Electrical Training”- Universal stat boost favors agility and recovery. [+2 ag and rc, +1 armor] “Generator Training”- For recovery and armor [again, 2-2-1] Incendiary: For armor and agility. In Arc subclass, Electrical gives +1 extra agility and recovery. In Void subclass, Generator gives +1 extra recovery and armor. In Solar subclass, Incendiary gives +1 extra armor and agility. Paths: “Path of Endurance”: +3 recovery “Path of Dexterity”: +4 agility, -1 armor “Path of Might”: +4 armor, -1 agility ………. Special melees tend to serve a primary engineer purpose and a secondary bonus effect via perk. Mechanic Movement [spoiler]Jet Jump: “A short range, quick to act propulsion (quickly double tap A to use it on the ground; vertical gain when used on ground is = to that of a normal jump, no vertical gain when used in midair (simply stops falling); Horizontal distance covered is 2x that of a normal jump, and propels the player faster. It sort of takes the speed of a sprint and lets you shoot during it. It’s a strafe. Sort of. If no direction is selected, you simply hove for one second. Jet Jump resets upon touching the ground or landing on another player/ AI. Perks: Icarus: As seen on weapons. Applies only when using Jet Jump. Stacks with Icarus. Improved Hover: Jet Jump can hover for up to three seconds (to exit hover, tap “A” a third time.) Propel (from my old Stormbringer): Double-jump quickly while on the ground to create a small arc explosion at the point of takeoff, dealing 100 damage to foes in the blast radius. When used in midair, no additional benefits are granted.[/spoiler] Melee [spoiler]Detonate: A ranged hitscan melee. No damage. Detonates enemy grenades that you press RB over (you can ADS using LT), recharging your own grenade. Misses do not reset cooldown. NOTE: With lots of practice, you can defuse grenades in midair or even as they leave the thrower’s hand. Uses only 75% melee energy. Recharges 20% of your grenade when successful. Perks: Aggressive Defusal: Press RB to release a circular AOE shockwave with a 5 meter radius, detonating all enemy grenades in this radius. Deals 50 damage at its center, 25 at its edges. Uses your full melee energy. [Useful for: Detonating grenades on the other side of a wall; dealing damage; detonating grenades thrown at you to take less damage than otherwise. Cycle: Use defuse to trigger health regeneration. Uses just 60% of your melee energy. [Turns Defuse into a health-regen button] Remote Detonation: Once a grenade has been targeted, hold RB to prevent explosion of the grenade (can turn your Autoturret into a remotely activated one!). Release RB to detonate the grenade (can be used to silently pass tripmines). Uses 50% of your melee energy + 2% more per second. (While energy is being drained, no melee energy can be gained).[/spoiler] Grenades [spoiler]Repairment Grenade: Heals players via health regeneration, and can also heal vehicles [fully heals a Legendary Sparrow; heals other vehicles that equivalent amount of HP], sticky, affects only the object it is attached to; no tracking. Hold LB to cook the grenade, using it on yourself. Autoturret: This “grenade” sticks to non-biped surfaces (ceilings and walls, the floor… and vehicles!!!!!!) Unfolds into a highly accurate hitscan auto-targeting, 270 degree field of view Sentry Turret with capable range and damage output. (specific properties: Heavy to throw- it can be thrown about ten paces. Has 300 HP, and lasts for up to twenty seconds. Can kill as fast as low ROF Auto Rifles, such as Khvostov. Capable, but limited, range (targets up to about fifteen paces away). EMPs vehicles with each bullet. EMP lasts five seconds and does not stack. [can EMP sparrows, pikes, heavy pikes, turrets, and Interceptors]. Radar Grenade: When this grenade is active, gain an additional radar [works in Inferno; same radius as normal but displayed at just 75% the size to help differentiate radars] to the right of your standard radar. Lasts thirty seconds or until destroyed. At the end of this time, or once it is destroyed, it explodes in a blast of 100 damage and drops an Orb of Light. [/spoiler] Super [spoiler]Static Charge: Activate this super to release a pulse of crackling electrical energy which instantaneously detonates all hostile grenades, EMPs all hostile vehicles, and knock out all enemy shields in a 20 meter radius [“knocking out shields” in PvP = getting Guardian health to the final red quarter via dealing up to 300 damage; scale this for PvE]. Also staggers foes and generates 3 Orbs of Light. Its element, when applying damage, registers as the element of the shield it is attacking in the specific instance. Can be cast while on a vehicle.//Note that it can knock out shields, but doesn’t kill. So against a Guardian, it’ll take him down to the red portion of his shields. For a Minotaur, the Arc shield would be stripped just as effectively as for an Arc-Shield Captain. A Dreg is INVINCIBLE against this… Perks: Power Outage: Static Charge is more potent (deals up to 400 shield damage in PvP) Supporter: Spawn an additional Orb of Light. Flyswatter: A blast of kinetic damage (75 damage in PvP) is dealt to enemies not damaged by the initial surge. Maintains a 20 meter radius. “The Dreg Killer”. {Noticeable Downsides: -Just about useless against Majors and Ultras who don’t have shields -Can’t get unassisted kills, unless you count Flyswatter.}[/spoiler] Modifiers I Automobile: Sparrow deploys with full energy and recovers from being destroyed 250% as fast. Automatically eject from your Sparrow when it is destroyed. Suppressor: Autoturret is more durable (150% durability). Modifiers II Static Buildup: Regenerate health and gain a 2x Overshield upon fully charging your super. Pilot: Gain a 100 HP Overshield when in a vehicle. Regenerates based on your recovery. Supporter: Melee and grenade cooldowns recharge when you gain assists (4% recharge to each per assist)- note the synergy with your super. Mechanical Medic: Revive fallen allies much faster (300% as fast as normal). continued



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