Trick question, they won't because they'll just keep asking religious people why God won't do it for them.
[spoiler]Entitled little shi-[/spoiler]
How many priests does it take to screw in a lightbulb. [spoiler] trick question there all to busy in the church basement molesting children. [/spoiler] >.>
Hey devil worshipers would just sacrifice millions of virgind to have Satan do it.
You know you're at an American forum when all they talk about is religion, guns, feminists and socialists! :D
The real answer is 1 You know why? Because while your people pray all day science gets shit done
rickylumic 77により編集済み: 1/23/2016 12:42:09 PMYou have summoned the cringe, fedora-toting atheists of Offtopic. Prepare your anus.
Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds
Pursue happiness with diligence. - 古い投稿
Just one, because he does things for himself instead of praying for someone else to do it? -