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SwiftMoodにより編集済み: 2/9/2016 10:09:14 AM

DOGS clan recruitment! 30+ X1 #WarMUTTS

We are actively looking for new like minded MATURE gamers over 30 on Xbox1. If you are a NON-ELITEST then WE are your groups. Laid back gaming is what we are all about. We currently have 350 members from all over the world but mostly U.S. & U.K. For us its gaming with friends before score and skill because most of us have other things to do in our lives besides playing serious all day. We are also a part of the DOGS alliance clans so there are plenty of people to game with. 7 clans in all. There are no tryouts or interviews. No score, level, grimore or ratio requirements. Have FUN, show RESPECT to others, and the rest should fall in line. Fellow clanmates always willing to help in quest and raids. WarMUTTS X1 - 30+ Age (Over 325 members + Open Clan Slots) PvP/Trials/IronB/Raid -



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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