Crimson Days showed me (and this is just an opinion, ok?) that Destiny could really do with a more accessible way to join a fireteam / search for open fire teams [i]AD HOC.[/i]
I imagine a simple icon on top of a targeted, R3 clicked player would already suffice to show that somebody is looking for a temporal fireteam member. This could be a setting like helmet on/off.
Or it could even be a context action from the map, marking locations/missions as "I'd like to play this" for other players to see when in the tower.
It's awkward to send friend requests to all these peeps from LFG websites just to go on a quick run.
Alternatively, the bar in the basement of the eastern tower could serve as a join / recruit area.
One table : "LFG" the other "LFM"
OK, fire away.