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Destiny について話し合おう
2/14/2016 10:11:43 AM

Raid requirements be like....

Post your insane raid requirements below. Here's my piece Must have 320 gally, and a self rez titan using celestial nighthawk, with the first ship equipped. And the class item from lvl 1 infused to 320 Also have a Triton headset and a bag of cool ranch doritos. If you don't have a Galaxy s6 that's also an immediate boot. Your xbox must be playing upside-down and you NEED a chat pad (not attached to your controller just own one) Make sure to know the 12 orb golgorath strat and how to summon crota when you get to Oryx so we can get the mediocre drop. We will also be grabbing the 4th secret chest in the penis wall, so bring your boners of eao



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