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Destiny について話し合おう
2/26/2016 3:27:48 AM

New Exotic fusion rifle

Ok so I was bored and I had an idea so I made this its not final or anything I still need a name for it and one of its perks feel free to comment some Name: ? (Sorry I couldn't think of one Type:Fusion rifle, it's a fast charge/low range and impact fusion rifle, almost identical to the FWC's "The Vortex" Description:Ikora said it wouldn't work,Zavala said it was useless, Cayde said it looked fun Look:it follows the still peircer/patience and time kind of style with the camo and stuff like that Main Perks: (same name of the gun) -this weapon shoots a void net that ensnares and slows enemies for a short time.Range finder.(Name-even more fun) this weapons nets explode on contact,killed ensnared enemies makes a bigger explosion(similar to ice breakers) Colum perks: Red Dots OES ORS ORS1, quick draw, perfect balance, enhanced battery



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