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2/28/2016 11:14:56 PM

Petition to Raise the Limit on Clan Tags

TO: BUNGIE FROM: CLAN TAGLESS CLAN MEMBER Hello Bungie, Over the course of enjoying this great game we all love (and at times, get salty over) you've shown me how a first person shooter should be feel. How powerful it is to be a Titan. How awesome it feels to be a Hunter. How impressive a Warlock is. Then one day I decided to join a clan. The clan was pretty big already but that's also what made the clan great because I could always find members to help me with raids and crucible. The only thing that sucked was the clan already had over 600 members and only 100 of them were able to represent their clan in-game. Because you can have an unlimited number of members join a clan but only 100 of those members can have what we call the "clan tag" (aka have the clan name displayed while playing the game). I'm hoping you clever people at Bungie take a look at this message. Please. let us know if you are ever going to increase the number of "clan tags" available to a clan. Since clans can have unlimited members, why not unlimited clan tags? Or at the very least, increase the number of available clan tags to something very high to allow everyone and anyone who would like to, show off that they're a proud member of a clan. I know that I'm not the only one who thinks clan tags should be increased. Even other players in different clans are saying the same things I am. So please, please, PLEASE Bungie. Allow us to show our clan pride.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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