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Destiny について話し合おう
4/8/2016 6:08:38 PM

Simple 'fix' for DoT in destiny

TL/DR: Stop all DoT abilities as soon as the player who applied that DoT dies, allowing the option to push and try to kill a guardian who applied a DoT to you. In the reveal they had said they can't change firebolt grenades because the sunsinger relies to much on the DoT abilities and they would need to rework the entire subclass to change that one aspect. They also nerfed thorn yet again, reducing the DoT damage, duration, and the blinding effect when shot by thorn making it 'easier to fight against, but still feel awesome to use.' [spoiler]who thinks thorn will still feel awesome based on these changes? Not that I use it anymore anyways, but be realistic bungie.[/spoiler] There is a much, much simpler, and in my opinion more effective way to make it 'easier to survive against DoT effects and make it easier to win those fire fights' and here it is: Stop all DoT effects that were applied as soon as the Guardian who applied those DoTs dies. This would mean that if you get hit with a fire bolt or thorn, or any other DoT effect the immediate reaction doesn't need to be "I need to run and hope they don't hit me at all" you could actually push, and try to force the kill on that enemy player and if you are victorious the DoT goes away, and recovery can start as it normally would. Does anyone think this is a bad way to handle these DoT abilities? Does anyone think this would 'ruin' the sunsinger subclass, or force it to be reworked? Does anyone have any better ideas? Thoughts, comments, criticisms are all welcome.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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