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5/13/2016 5:10:36 AM

Just give up on PvP, Bungie.

Sorry, but it is so bad. I stopped wondering wether it was the constant nerfs, latency or the matchmaking that made the PvP unenjoyable in Year-2 Stop nerfing weapons. Please just stop. It's just a constant cycle over and over again. You nerf whole archetypes and for some reason, one or two guns always remain strong to the point where everyone just starts using them. There is no balance and there never will be with a game like Destiny. Right now, it's just constant [b]Suros PDX-45[/b]s in PvP. It makes absolutely no sense to have a legendary that outdoes every exotic in this game right now. It's just one gun and that is not balance, no matter what your opinion is on balancing. What happened to the Raid weapons? I thought they were supposed to be strong since they were end-game gear..why is Destiny turning into a PvP game? Primaries are horrible. Shotguns are just so bad with the movement, reloading and arming nerfs. Sidearms are just bad and always have been. Fusions are mediocre and it's a shame since Veterans knew how they were in Year-1. Snipers are still being used in abundance. This is getting worse with each update. As for PvE? Everyone has to see how annoying it is to have your weapons do nothing to enemies with shields. It's just nerf after nerf. Just please, fix the ammo. I'm so tired of running out of ammo so fast in PvE. Many times I ran out of ammo for Primary, Special and Heavy in end-game content and it just made it more difficult but not skill-wise. As for Subclasses? Titans got pounded hard with the Sunbreaker nerf, nobody really uses them anymore and if you do, it just disappoints you every time thinking something should have died. Hunters and their grenades and Bladedancer got it rough too. Warlocks are just outdoing everything in [u]PvP[/u] with the extended-melee and scorch damage. I don't ever remember Warlocks being so annoying and I main a Warlock. This game is already so deep into the nerfs you might as well nerf them. It's going to happen eventually. It always does even though no one ever asks for them. I used to play PvP all day and's just so extremely unenjoyable and why can't you guys see that it's getting worse? #StopTheNerfs



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