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7/4/2016 7:51:10 AM

Why is the 4th of July more celebrated than Constitution Day?

(For Brits and other foreigners: 4th of July is American Independence Day) I honestly think it's just an excuse people use to get hammered. Why is the 4th of July celebrated more than Constitution Day? We decided to fervently celebrate the day a bunch of old white dudes signed a document that literally just said "-blam!- you Britain". We weren't even necessarily close to actually winning the war at the moment. In fact, until the constitution was created, we were just a confederacy of sovereign states that argued and bickered and nearly went to war with each multiple times as economies repeatedly crashed due to the fact each state had its own currency. It took a rebellion to make our leaders see they done -blam!-ed up, but nooo, American leaders wanna make it look like we never -blam!- up. -blam!-ing hypocrites... And now? Now we're just a system breaking down beyond repairs, a product of three million millionaires, a hundred million easy marks. We've finally become the divided states. A nation built on freedom, fear, and hate, the denotation of Irony.



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