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RynoTheTurtleにより編集済み: 6/25/2016 3:58:04 AM

Let's talk: Fabian Strategy

Fabian is the most underwhelming exotic since Nechrochasm pre-buff


Fabian is underwhelming but not the worst


Fabian Strategy is good in the right hands


Fabian Strategy is too powerful. Nerf please


[url=]Planet Destiny Fabian Strategy Review, Post Buff[/url] I'm glad Planet Destiny has just done another review on this gun after the buff. In my opinion this gun has been the most underwhelming exotic in the game. When it was first revealed, I was happy to see Titans get another exotic auto rifle and (what I thought at the time) had decent overall perks. Then I got it. Took it to the crucible and cried as I was dominated by most other exotics. It was outplayed by most legendary autos that even had similar perks but had more ammo, stability, and range. Hakke itself is an underwhelming weapon manufacturer. All autos are outplayed by Suros as well as the pulse rifles, shotguns don't have enough range and impact to play in the "Meta" and don't even get me started on those crappy snipers (excluding the Stillpiercer) which are outplayed by every sniper ever. Every sidearm besides 4 in the game are Hakke and I prefer the sidearms with the highest stability (Iron Wreath and Queen's Choice) I hope Bungie can take a look into this. I wish Hakke overall could get a advantage over the other manufacturers in some way. They are cool looking guns but terrible weapons to use in both PvE and PvP. The Fabian Strategy would be a good place to go back to the drawing board and find something makes Hakke weapon a Hakke weapon



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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