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Destiny について話し合おう
Mmonxにより編集済み: 7/25/2016 11:42:01 PM

High Rate of Fire Scout Rifles In Depth - Awesome Guns (DIS-47, Inward lamp, etc.)

High Rate of Fire Scout Rifles: Read also What are their strengths, weaknesses, and how does it compare to other weapons in the crucible. - These have a rate of 257rpm - Deal about 30 damage to the body and 45 to the head - It takes 7 body shots to kill or 5 headshots (at least 4 headshots needed plus 1 body) - Maximum TTK (if you get all body shots) is 1.4s and Minimum TTK (if you get enough headshots) is 0.934s. This type of scout rifle includes the SUROS DIS-47, The Inward Lamp, and NL Shadow 701X. These weapons are the most versatile of the scout rifle class, able to kill effectively and efficiently from close to long range. Their above average headshot TTK and high fire rate allows them to be competitive with auto rifles at their optimal range and their status as a scout rifle offers the range and accuracy needed to take on other scout rifles and even snipers. The great versatility of this weapon type allows you to use whatever secondary you like without feeling like you are putting your self at a serious disadvantage. For an average player these are a solid option since they don’t punish missing shots as severely as many other weapons, although getting used to the high fire rate can be difficult, and for high skill players these are some of the best out there with a headshot TTK nearly matching that of the MIDA Multi-Tool. I’d recommend looking for one with a ton of stability, don’t worry about range since the default range for scouts is already greater than needed. Since the mag sizes for the type are generally quite small look for main perks to buff the reload. Some great perks to look for are outlaw, spray and play, triple tap, zen moment, and counterbalance. Overall this type of scout rifle is one of the best and most versatile weapons in the crucible and a solid option for almost any player. What do you think of fast fire rate scout rifles? Which is your favorite and what perks do you like on it? All other In depth posts:



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