(Previously named [i]Why Universal Remote is Broken AF[/i])
--Don't even reply if you can't even bother to read it. I feel I was very Thorough--
It's pretty fockn universal alright.
Edit5: compare Uni to the other Exotics Shotguns (4th horseman and Invective). Now pull out your Uni, because Invective doesn't even regen ammo that fast,(uni kinda does, ammo on respawn) and way more range than both. The legendary shotguns are more used than the other two exotic shotguns for -blam!-'s sake, those probably need a buff tbh.
Edit4: buff posts are definitely coming soon. Kinda want my Y1 Day One vanilla feel back. Im sure you guys can all relate. Kinda wish the first set of patches only diddled autos a little and gave pulses some loving, we might have even never seen the thorn meta.
Edit3: To all the people bringing points without being all assy about the topic, Thank you. I really do consider them.
Edit2: Tbh the real issue is it's overused, but why is it overused? My only conclusion is it's easy to use, but what do you guys think?
Edit: let me preface this with...
-It isn't [i]broken[/i] that was clickbait, BUT IT IS more powerful than other shotguns and can be used indefinitely.
-talking about the 1600 elo bracket
-I actually tested the fire rate on uni it is faster than a party crasher, go to patrol right now.
[b][i][u]I have just about as much time with a shotgun as I do with a sniper and have only recently started using fusions rifles.
Yeah i remember y1, but in context to y2 Uni is a bit above the standard.
I've used it. A lot, and it's ridiculous.
Snipers are kinda whack too tbh (body shot damage rate of fire, aim assist)
[b][i][u]Mildly[/u]Entertaining Rant[/i][/b]
[spoiler]For about 20 trials matches, any time the other team was losing, they'd put it on and just rush.
This wouldn't be a problem if long range existed in most maps, but it doesnt really. Only like 1 lane maybe in most maps are even mid-range. (Still won a lot of those games tho before you go "git gud")
The only long range map easily in circulation is Widow's court.(most of you buckshot bruisers cringe at the name too, but it gets me [i]moist[/i]) Any maps that aren't easily in circulation are Combined Arms maps. Finding that gamemode(for me at least) in the classic 6v6 playlist is like trying to get a Mythoclast, Crux of Crota, Black Hammer, and Preatorian Foil on the same Tuesday.
Who needs a primary when you have basically unlimited ammo(let's be real you wont dump all 20-ish shots you spawn with.)
All shotgunning does is promote camping, ironically enough, because nobody is going to run headlong into some buckshot unless they know they'll pop a few heads.
Universal Remote is, hands down, the best shotgun in the game right now. Party crasher? Conspiracy theory? Don't even try to argue they're better, they aren't. It's hardly the [i]junker[/i] it says it is.[/spoiler]
[b][u]Universal Remote Issues List/TLDR[/u][/b]
1. Too much ammo
-negates the whole point of adding special ammo crates
-ammo on spawn
2. Too much range
-out-ranges any other shotgun.
3. Rate of Fire
-It does the damage of a conspiracy theory, at the speed faster than that of a party crasher.
My proposed solution:
[u][b]Wordy Version[/b][/u]
[spoiler]Make Universal Remote have a slower rate of fire.(I really wouldn't mind if the range was far if it wasn't something so damn prevalent.)
If it's supposed to be the BOOM stick then just make it BOOM real hard, but real slow. Make it like the NLB where the Pump is slow, maybe not that slow, but a shotgun that powerful should have a caveat.
Because it's supposed to be a [i]junker[/i], why not have the gun struggle to stay together. The pumping can take a while because it falls apart a bit when you shoot it. BUT have it BOOM real good and dead the dooders. [/spoiler]
[b][u]List/TLDR version[/u][/b]
-make ammo work like special ammo. Less starting ammo (5-10shots on initial spawn?)
-Range & Rate of Fire
One or the other has to go. Get rid of both. Uni will suck, Only one, Uni will be not OP (relative to the other guns)
Look I know a lot of you shotty users will be unhappy, but be real, is Uni V-ing really that hard? Is shotgunning even that hard? It's 95% gap closing. There is a bit of a nuance to it on a long sight line, I'll give you that, but if it's easy, it's probably pretty OP. Shadestep was easy, but now it requires a but more thinking to pull off, instead of "combat? Mash B/circle?"
I don't want any gun to disappear completely, but when some shine to bright, it glares out the rest of the guns that people want to use, but can't without sweating buckets.
Im not goin to read all of this but from what i got from this was: "Uni can out gun invective."...true and not true. This past iron banner i went to my y1 defender build since i didnt have the uni. Defender surface build: No back up plans Blessings of light And... You guessed it! Invective That thing helped me win about 60-maybe 70% of uni vs invective match ups. And invectives perks are y. As long as they dont get a headshot you can kill them time and time again. You may need to use invective again my friend
The reason its over used is because people make videos about how op it is. This creates the whole "meta" cycle.. people should be making videos about how to adapt to different gameplay styles instead of talking about what they think is op.
Its popular now cause of similar posts like this about other weapons got them all nerfed into trash. Remote was trash all year one and it still is outside Crucible. Its also easy as hell to counter if you pay attention. I swear I have never seen such crying over PvP in any game like this ever.
[quote] only recently s started using fusions[/quote] There's your -blam!-ing problem. I've been using fusions since day one and never have had a problem against the universal remote. It promotes players to charge far more recklessly into my bursts and I win far more engagements than i lose against a uni remote. Please stop crying to nerf things that upset you, when you refuse to try anything novel to counter it.
[quote] -make ammo work like special ammo. Less starting ammo (5-10shots on initial spawn?) [/quote] >Dislikes post >Closes tab
😂😂😂😭 another post talking about Universal Remote 😂 and how it's out of balance 💀 lol the gun is only good in certain situations but hey a complainer will always complain 😋 lol I guess it's a hobby
Good Job for waisting your time on ranting on something that is annoying to you because you can't deal with it. UR are how shotguns should be.
I'm a shotgunner. Well primarily I was before 95% of the shotguns became trash and I was forced to use party crasher or ct to get a decent kill with a shotgun. I was crazy about uni in year 1 and I got it but it didn't feel nearly as powerful as it does now and while I still love the gun I'm tired of seeing it so often like you said because its becoming a big nuance and needs more balance I think.
If you nerf the fire rate them you need to buff the damage. It's a low damage shotgun. Besides, party crasher and conspiracy are simply better in terms of one shot kills.
My problems is personally only 1 of the 4 exotic shotguns is good(complete) Invective-fine works well for both pve/PvP Fourth horseman- ammo issues, instead of regen it should have a increase pick up amount(like how ruin wings do with heavy ammo) and a slight increase to impact, but keep the range shitty. Chaperone- needs a buff personally, increase range and precision damage, also would be nice if there was a perk that allowed it to be equipped in either the special or primary slot, feels like its more of a primary then uni lol, but would need a major ammo increase while outta the crucible for pve primary. Now to about the post weapon universal remote- honestly I think this weapon is just fine as is, just it needs a major ammo boost for pve content, so in short not enough ammo. Those are just my thoughts, chaperone personally needs more done but that requires a full post description then this little bit.
Don't forget The Chaperone, Uni has a further kill distance than a slug shotgun.....
evilinside007により編集済み: 8/2/2016 6:29:04 PMYea bro, I agree with you completely in regards to the other, seemingly useless, exotic shotguns. The invective and the 4th horseman desperately need a major buff. I've literally never seen the 4th horseman used in the crucible ONE TIME...EVER. also, I expected to see the invective used more frequently, with its ammo regeneration perk and the changes applied to special ammunition, but no. Personally, I do like the invective but lately, and I'm sad to say, it's just become yet another shiny little yellow square that sits in my vault collecting dust. BUNGIE, please give the exotic shotguns a much needed, and long overdue, breath of fresh air. Forgot to mention that I don't support weapon nerfs of any kind, but I do believe other changes should be made to bring about balance or, in the case of the UR, effective counter measures.
bumpp. The casuals that don't want universal remote nerfed are what's wrong with the game and the fact that Bungie continues to cater to the lowest common denominator makes it worse. Who the hell thinks it takes more skill to slide shotgun into people than it does to hit jump shots or drag scopes consistently. Before you start to complain about flinch and aim assist on a sniper, or getting domed by kids at close range with a thousand yard, take into consideration that maybe, just [i]maybe[/i] that person was more skilled than you. Aim assist doesn't mean a damn thing in mid air when you can hardly rely on the reticle for accuracy. I think giving the player base the ability to run two secondary weapons was a god awful idea, which hardly would've been a problem (and wasn't at release) if bungie didn't destroy everything they touch without considering the possible consequences and what nerfs may give rise to other weapons' perceived op-ness. Who complained about snipers besides final round in Y1? Who even used the mida in Y1? Universal remote is a crutch, simple as that. If the only way you can win is by running a shotgun [i]and[/i] a sniper and abusing the hell out of the former, then I feel bad for ya.
The problem is, you have to sacrifice a ranged primary, and wile it is still extremely effective, any competent sniper or TLW user could counter it.
For me, isn't even near broken, i got one, and i think that its useless: 1)very low fire rate (if you miss the 1 shot u are dead in pvp) 2)exotic perk sucks (in the very few moments that i used it in pve and pvp) i didn't feel any range boost at all My inmobius can do the same (and better) work than an universal remote. I have faced UR user's in pvp and we both have died by our shotguns shots in the same time. Maybe is one of the few option that defenders have in the crucible by using a shotgun+no back up plans combo, and its just being used more now. Well i think indeed that the universal remote need a buff, because it dosn't give me anything that a regular shotgun can do.
Dexter307により編集済み: 7/30/2016 4:49:41 PM[quote]1. Too much ammo -negates the whole point of adding special ammo crates -ammo on spawn 2. Too much range -out-ranges any other shotgun. 3. Rate of Fire -It does the damage of a conspiracy theory, at the speed of a party crasher. [/quote] 1. ITS A PRIMARY, It's supposed to have ammo -_- 2. Thats the whole point of the exotic perk! Stop whining. Besides, the chaperone and lord of wolves both have more range. High impact shotguns like party crasher and conspiracy theory will kill further away with a range roll as well. 3. Could you stop purposely lying? It does 20 damage a pellet.
Honestly i do actually like the place universal remote is in now. The only issue i ever have with dealing with it is the juggernaut combo (havent had many expeiences with NBP). It is ljmited to short ranges like it should be when it isnt in a titans hands