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Destiny について話し合おう
T_Pingviにより編集済み: 8/9/2016 3:46:57 PM

On the subject of Thorn.

I've seen a lot (a [b]LOT[/b]) of people complaining on the forums lately about Thorn's return to endgame weaponry status. You [Thorn Doomsayers] seem to be of a mind that Thorn is an absolute monster of a weapon with no way to combat its "fundamentally broken" DoT perk, Mark of the Devourer. [b]Rebuttal[/b]: You are not smart. The general non-competitive Crucible game modes have level advantages disabled. Right now, if you go into Skirmish (or any other playlist), Thorn is afforded no additional disadvantages against higher level weapons. [b]What does this mean?[/b] Barring a "Suros Treatment" (complete rework of the weapon's fundamental niche), the Thorn you see now is the Thorn you will see upon the release of Rise of Iron. I've played with Thorn in the current meta. I've played against Thorn in the current meta. It is quite possibly one of the least effective exotics you can possibly choose for your Primary slot. All of you people seem to forget that The Last Word was just as dominant and equally as absurd as Thorn during the months leading up to The Taken King. Times have changed. So have the weapons. Quit your whining.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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