A lot of things is coming with Rise of Iron, especially the artifacts...
- Memory of Skorri: speeds super recharge for all nearby allies
imagine a PvP team of bladedancer with that chest armor that already decrease the charging time of supers and stormcaller with the perks that decrease super when allies are nearby, couple that with that artifact and you'll face a team with a lot, like really a lot, of supers...
- Memory of Felwinter: lose your super, but gain an extra grenade and melee, and boost to all stats
The dream of hunters nightstalkers. The theter super is kind of shit in PvP anyway but the wombo combo is so good! With that artifact it will be like unlimited wombo combo!!!
Thor year 3? there is an artifact for decreasing DoT... it's not a good news, probably means that DoT of thorn will be back to what it was in y1...
From what we know from Rise of Iron, what do you think will be the next OP thing?
1 返信
SiniSterACE N7により編集済み: 8/29/2016 3:51:20 PMFirst of all...Why bring back Thorn DoT to orginal damage if there's a artifact that already decreased it? Or put it to where u use the artifact and there's no buff to DoT, To where that 2 damage tick is gone on Thorn and that it just function as a legendary handcannon.