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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
10/12/2016 9:44:50 AM

Sepiks Prime for Destiny 2

Hey everyone. I really think the original Sepiks Prime should return in Destiny 2 since it was so memorable and in my opinion one of the best strikes in the game. These are my ideas of how it could work in Destiny 2: - The strike would still be on Earth in the Cosmodrome, taking place in all the same areas(Rocketyard, Refinery, etc.) - The strike would feature randomized encounters against either Fallen, the Hive, or Taken enemies. - The first objective would still simply be to defend Ghost for 3 waves while he disables the tripmines. The same soundtrack would play for this battle. - The second objective would be to either destroy the Devil Walker guarding the path or kill a Taken Archon. - The final objective would be the boss fight with Sepiks. His appearance would be mostly the same. Sepiks would have 3 attacks. His normal Void blasts, his close-quarters consuming attack, and a brand-new ability which would be a charging Void laser which would deal more damage than the Devil Walker's Solar cannon. Sepiks would still teleport randomly as well. The original Sepiks Prime track from Destiny 1 would play for this fight. For strike uniques, revamped version of the Devil's Dawn and the Sepiks Deposed Bond would return. Those are my ideas for Sepiks Prime returning in Destiny 2. I really think this would greatly improve the strike and make it more fun and more challenging. Thanks everyone for listening and please comment and like this so Bungie can put this in Destiny 2!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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