At the tower there is the purple triangle icon but when I get to the tower nothing & no one is showing up that I need to contact them. This happend right after step 11 of the rise of iron opening or first quest line. My hunter 1st, now my titan has the go to tower but nothing is there. What am I missing here ? It hasn't gone away in past few weeks. What is this destiny guru's ? Can you reply to this? If only posted since 25 Sept. Coming up on 20 some odd days now. Oh side note new crucible is pain in the a$$. Your kills cause team mates to vulture in on your crests lowering your true score & buffing there's. Points should be awarded to the shooter for the skill of the kill not skill of the scavenge. IB is a warrior game supposedly. Feels more like a bad Call of duty kill confirmed game. Even they fixed it by points go to shooter, 2 for shooter 1 for collector. So the kill & collection are still needed. 4 players running after 1 crest looks like sharks in bloody water after a goldfish only to find other sharks kill the whole dam group. And you can't explain it to most people not to swarm the crest. They really don't care, solo players in a team based play style. Game looses it fun quick.
Me too, and after the Halloween dressing, I get them at shiro and saladin at the temple, again... Nothing to do...
This this very buggy since the rise of iron dlc