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Destiny について話し合おう
Benstopherにより編集済み: 11/18/2016 12:11:44 AM

[OFFICIAL PETITION] Let solar wind push teammates again! (Now with POLL!)

Yes, allow warlocks to push teammates again with solar wind!


No, do not add back this feature bungie removed in year one!


Yes, but with some changes (comment below)


Its become apparent that people want this feature back as we will soon see by the numbers on the poll (presumably). Personally this feature was one of the best ways to mess around and joke with teammates so when they removed it, my warlock usage of sun singer dropped alot. No idea why Bungie removed it in the first place seeing as how nobody ever complained about it and it was a fun perk and useless otherwise. [b]Sign below and upvote this post if you support the return of Solar Wind to its year one glory![/b] Lets make Bungie see this!



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