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Destiny について話し合おう
12/3/2016 9:37:34 AM

Can I choose which type of Rune to use at the Court of Oryx?

I've noticed there are different types of Runes that can be used on CoO (Reciprocal, Stolen, Antiquated), and I was wondering if there was a way to use a specific type of Rune? Specifically, I've got a bounty that needs an Antiquated Rune done in under 2 minutes. I have a charged Antiquated Rune, but I also have a stolen rune and 27 reciprocal runes, and every time I try to use one, it seems to only come from my reciprocal pile. Is there a trick to using a specific type, or do I need to stash the other Runes in the vault to use the one I want?
#Destiny #rune



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