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Quintero_Jにより編集済み: 10/21/2016 6:09:12 PM

The Established PlayStation 4 Clan

Excellent, so your looking for a PS4 clan that's been around since nearly the beginning. Our clan was established 17 days after Destiny first dropped. I'm here because our clan wants to recruit new members, your here because your looking for a solid clan. Well, I'm part of a clan that has grown to be one of the largest clans in Destiny. Which is not an easy feat when you consider that there are thousands of other clans competing to get people like you to join their clan. Order of The Iron Stag has come a long way and [b]we've learned what it takes to be a clan that really succeeds at being helpful, fun and active.[/b] Enough even to be [url=]featured by Bungie! [/url] We only ask every member to make use of [b]an app called "Discord"[/b] ([i]We use it to virtually have a place to meet, greet and connect with all of our members[/i]). The app is amazing and makes our clan run so smoothly. Discord's usefulness for our clan is always expanding and improving. The app is available on Android and Apple and even on any personal computer device. Other than that, we fight hard to have a very friendly and chill place for discussions about anything Destiny-related. So [b]we are always looking for more people[/b] who want to be a part of something like that, no drama please! If this all sounds like something you want to be a part of, [url=]check us out[/url].



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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