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Destiny について話し合おう
2/14/2017 11:20:41 PM

"In the Interest of Transparency"

A message to the community and the community managers. Destiny is an on-going dynamic game that over its history has had numerous changes that would be perceived as poor design choices, or bad depending on what your stance is on certain issues. Destiny is also played and enjoyed by a vast number of players, game-designers and community folk as well, all who each share unique personalities and have their own likes and dislikes. This leads to conflicts between player interest and developer actions. This conflict is further heated when the developer does not provide an explanation to the audience as to why such changes would be made. We're all human and we all want something that makes us happy when we play this game. Not all of us share the same wants and desires however. That is going to leave some of us on the wayside and changes are made that leave us confused, unhappy or upset with the chosen action. Leaving players in the dark towards specific changes, leaving us guessing as to why such actions would be taken causes us to quickly jump to conclusions and make unfounded assumptions of the developers decisions. This was quickly obvious when viewing the multitudes of community posts discussing the coming changes that were previewed on the February 8th Sandbox Preview stream. The inclusion of a developer clarification on the resulted changes due to the Hungering Blade changes* can only be good. It is a post designed to provide an explanation as to why certain changes are made/kept. In the interest of community reception and recognition going forward, more developer reasoning behind changes need to be brought forward to the public eye. Many changes, whether good or bad in the personal eye, are better introduced when the audience has a basic reasoning behind the change. Giving players a foundation to base their feedback on can only help provide a more universal discussion point for both the community and the developers that take an interest in player-feedback. A starting point for topics of discussion helps to unify and streamline all of those involved, letting everyone have an understanding on the reasoning for changes made and how they could possibly conflict with player interest. *Hungering Blade clarification: [url][/url]



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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