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2/16/2017 8:16:15 PM

Hotfix Feedback

There are a lot of threads out there already on the new changes, but I wanted to give a central location to point everyone to when they ask me where they can share their thoughts. Now that you have had a few days to play the new changes we want to hear what you experiences have been playing. What do you like? What do you hate? What do you think is good but could be better? What would you change?



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  • OMP Treble Xにより編集済み: 2/20/2017 11:39:30 PM
    Instead of reducing the special ammo to zero after respawn in the crucible, can't you just reduce it by fifty percent? It's not cool having to respawn next to an opponent and not being able to shoot him/her with your fusion rifle.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Honestly everything about the patch feels solid EXCEPT removing special ammo on respawn. Rather than completely removing it on death (excluding sidearms), what if you lost whatever was in your magazine when you died? For example, I have a shotgun with 6 rounds in the chamber and 3 in my reserves. > I die > I respawn with 3 shotgun slugs Then to allow people to use their ammo when they want to, excluding on first spawn in, players must reload their special weapon on spawn. That way if I still have my 3 shotgun slugs left I don't lose them next time I die unless I put them in my gun via reload. What do you guys think about this proposal?



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

    2 通の返信
    • Special ammo, or lack there of, really killed the game for me. I played for a couple of hours after the patch, and have not touched the game since. Considering the amount of time spent to max three characters, that says alot. It forces everyone to run load outs you're not comfortable with and pvp is ruined. Nothing but no lands and grenades everywhere. The game was great, why fix something that wasn't broken? Bye, will not be getting crapstiny 2 either.



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    • I'm sorry to say cosmos but can you change everything to be completely honest this games getting dumb every second of are life



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    • why should i answer this questions? you wont care about the communitys opinion as before. ps: the stream showed how terrible the crucible devs are. 1: tries to equip 2 exotics 2: skorris???? oh the artifact. 3: plays pvp like my 88 years old grandma



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      1 返信
      • ❤❤ uninstalled destiny



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      • To be honest, there was no reason to make Truth only hold a single rocket. It is essentially useless in PvE. Since you could only have two rockets in Crucibles, there is no point to the change.



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      • The patch was needed but I believe it was a little to harsh on somethings and a little too forgiving on others. Subclass changes 1) blade dancer changes: first off.. Umm why? Blade dancer is one of the most fragile roaming super (only falling behind gunslinger) so changing how it get health back from hungering blade was kinda unnecessary because it is a type of compensation for the weak armor. And quick draw; why nerf that? It is a useful passive perk that didn't seem to win many battles just because it was there. 2) storm caller changes: why nerf landfall? It was annoying to be killed by it because a warlock jumped over you but that's a one time thing that was a hit or miss. Ionic blink was annoying because it gave the user the ability to blink with out the sign of a cool down (yes it took from the super) but that doesn't mean it should be a led to be spammed 3) striker: eh fine... Some bugs but nothing really concerning Weapon balance 1) pulses: you forgot the waltz.... Other than that the changes on pulses was a good. 2) truth: good. The end of tyranny of the only viable pvp rocket launcher. 3) handcanons: umm why? They were in a descent - good spot where they were. 4) universal remote: over kill on shotguns? It could be annoying but you still have to be in ridiculous close ranges to get consistent kills with it. 5) shotguns: reasonable but why not take full auto on slow rate of fire shotguns? Armor 1) Ophidian aspects: fine. It did give a lot of passive perks. 2) shinobu's vow: one tracker.. Just one tracker? How about not giving the extra grenade change? It tracks it doesn't stay stationary like trip mines do and they also track aggressively. Economy / matches 1) Special ammo: a little excessive on killing shotguns and snipers? Sniping is now being close to just camping because now those 4 shots are holly to you because if you die you lose them and depending on your spawn you might not use it again... And why not have it affect the sidearms to the extent of decrease it down to 1-2 mags of the gun so it won't become favorited because it actually keeps the work done to get the special ammo 2) trials: good non direct way to push campers Disclaimer These are my views and my opinion. You don't have to think like me or believe in the same things.



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        1 返信
        • I would buff the damage on the highest impact handcannons to match the damage of the highest impact pulse rifles. If that happened then they would both be equal and that should be a good thing.



          マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

        • Starting with the special ammo changes, I think you guys did great. Losing special after death is fine since you buffed the spawn rate of special crates, once you die you usually spawn near a crate and can just reacquire your special. I only have two problems with this. First, the fact that sidearms start with ammo after death is fine except that you can keep getting ammo and stockpiling it just as you could with all specials before patch. If you die with a sidearm you should respawn with a normal magazine and a half. Second, shotguns are annoying to use now, especially in rumble. If you die with a shotgun and grab a crate off spawn, you have to sit there and reload every single shell which is a very long time to just stand in one place, especially in rumble. Every other special weapon has a magazine that can be dropped and slapped right in, shotguns are much longer. Other than those things the special ammo changes are totally fine. Weapons Handcannons were great before the patch and they are still great after the patch. The one exception I would make is that all low impact handcannons are extremely underwhelming with the exception of Thorn. I personally can not recall the last time i was killed by a How Dare You or a Free Will III or a Revelator, or the last time I took that archetype into PVE, your not gonna use those handcannons in a strike, I'm sorry your not. Also high impact handcannons do everything a Palindrome or Eyasluna can do just slower. Autorifles are still mediocre in every aspect. I feel like the damage falloff on them is just too close. I understand that im not supposed to map you across Widow's Court with them but you have to go for a high stability roll to be competitive, but you are usually sacrificing some range for that stability which just hurts them even more. High rate of fire Autos are still decent, Doctrine of Passing is still good i guess. Medium rate of fire Autos are OK. I don't want to say that they need a damage buff, but I think a range increase would benefit them well. Low rate of fire Autos are still the lowest on the totem pole. They are better but their time to kill is still a little too slow. The changes you made to Pulse Rifles are great. The change to High Caliber rounds I feel worked as intended, it still flinches but not to the extent that I can no longer see my target. I feel that the highest and medium rate of fire Pulses are right where they should be now, however the lowest rate of fire Pulse Rifles are still too slow. The two burst kill is still too infrequent to rely on consistently and too many body shots makes the time to kill just way too slow. Scout Rifles are still in the same position they have been in for the life of Destiny. High rate of fire Scouts take too many shots to kill, medium rate of fire Scouts are still good, and low rate of fire Scouts require too many headshots to be competitive, which is harder to do with their low stability. Shotguns are in the best place they have been in yet. They were good previously and now they are just as good. The changes mean less shotgun warriors which is great. Good Job Bungie! Classes I would love to see the reasoning behind yet another Blink nerf. I used it lately to try it and the changes are not that extreme, I just don't understand the reasoning behind it. The Hungering Blade nerf is a welcome change to the Bladedancer, you can now reliably team shot a Bladedancer even if he kills a teammate. The changes to every other health regen perk in the game, except for the Life Support Perk for some reason, is a serious oversight on your part and I am glad you are already addressing it. The change to the Quickdraw perk seems unneeded as it is easily the best perk in that tree even with said nerf. I would say that Fleetfotted is now a close second but still second, and no one uses Shadowjack except to either solo Crota or just mess around. The Quickdraw perk being changed on the Ophidian Aspects is fine considering the rest of the perks still make it the number one exotic to use on a Warlock, especially Voidwalkers. I for one am never going to take them off. The nerf to Thunderstrike is a very welcome change, thank you. However, the change you made to Stormtrance, if you use Landfall it reduces time in Stormtrance, is puzzling. I don't know what your data says but mine says that the majority of Stormtrance warlocks in the crucible use Ionic Blink and not Landfall. Also a buff to the Impossible Machines to improve use of the exotic would be to add a second Stormcaller, and only Stormcaller, melee attack. The change to Juggernaut is great. This along with the shotgun changes have made shotgun warrior titans almost nonexistent. But since you have now nerfed two of the three perks in that slot, I would like to see the changes made to Shoulder Charge a while back to be reverted. Also no one uses Unstoppable, please buff. The subsequent changes to Hungering Blade and the blanket effect that it had on all other health regen perks was not terrible but the quick turnaround by Bungie to correct is welcome and I wish you did it more. The only change that I would make to the changes that Cozmo posted the other day would be to revert the change to the Red Death. The Red Death is a highly mediocre weapon except for its health regen perk, especially in PVE. It is not in a very good archetype and the perk is the only thing that made it basically usable. Also why would you revert the changes made to the SUROS Regime and not the Red Death. If you made it this far, thank you for reading and please, MAKE DESTINY GREAT AGAIN!!!



          マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

        • The "buffs" and "nerfs" to handcannons actually worked against the hand cannon First Curse. The palindrome has further range and less drop off then The First Curse which ultimately defeats the purpose of its archetype. I personally tested the guns after watching this video. The gun was better before the patch and The First Curse was slightly underpowered then as well. Fix The First Curse please..



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        • Over 2000+ responses it will go over 5000+ before the week is out. Just sayin.



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          4 通の返信
          • The buff to autos was needed desperately, but losing special ammo when you die is dumb. Why do hunters always get nerfed? do you hate hunters for some reason? Yes it could be better, much better. I would bring back the vex mythoclast, give it the ability to be infused. buff it once in damage and ammo. just a little though. lets not have it be the op train it once was in year 1, although if it did come back in year one condition that would give people a reason to run vog again.



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          • Make Destiny Great Again Please stop with the nerfs , bring back exotics and special put aim assist back on shot guns.



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          • Likes: I love this new weapon balance. I think so far that it's my favorite meta and I can do the best with many weapons in it. Dislikes: I hate the Hungering Blade Bug. I lost a Trials round because of me not regening enough health to survive a NLB body shot from Life Steal on Voidlock. Also, I hate how useless the mid-RoF (Rate of Fire) Scouts and Autos feel in this meta. What could be better: Make all PvP focused balance change only for PvP (#BuffPvE). More Vault Space Buff Mid-RoF Autos and Scout (previously stated). What I would Change: In-game Grimoire reading place (maybe Speakers room). Raid Item Kiosk (both for weapons and armor) When removing the Hungering Blade Bug, change the Nerf to Hungering Blade from only regening Health but not Shield to previous on everything but remove regen health from arc Blade kills (so it would only regen health for blink strike kills).



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          • 0
            I like the changes over all.. One thing I would like to touch on is exotics. Still can't use suros. Thorn Isn't useable at all. Also trials. Why the hek would you lose special after the round ends when you didn't even die l. Biggest crap ever l. Autos still need a buff bungie hello what are yall doing. Bring other primaries to compete with hand cannons other than pulse rifles or I'm not playing this game anymore. Take the stupid aim assist off stickys. That makes no sense.



            マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

          • Revert special ammo. I'm just gonna use NLB and Wormwood-Palindrome and Icebreaker. Losing special on death changes my playstyle and promotes either camping or just using the aforementioned setup. I liked being able to use any gun, and now I can't because when the latency chokes and I'm getting shot [b]after[/b] I get in cover, my playstyle doesn't mean d[b]i[/b]ck because I'm dead and without ammo.



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          • KushMcPiffintonにより編集済み: 2/20/2017 2:35:14 PM
            f they said they would release a patch in March or April, this is what I would like it to look like Feel free to provide your own input and constructive criticisms. 1. SKORRIE... Rework Skorrie so that it regenerates Super with Kills when the holders super is full, not just for standing next to someone who has it with full super. This would make it less viable in PVP but still usable and equally as viable in PVE as you would still be getting a ton of kills. The only thing you might have to do after this change is buff the radius of affect. 2. QUICKDRAW...Put all quickdraw perks back to how they were on classes and guns. I really never saw anyone complain about this post in the forums and it was another unnecessary nerf 3. RADAR/MOTION SENSOR....Blink jump has no HUD becomes ALL JUMPS have no HUD. For the sake of balance, and logical sense.. All jumps should have no HUD/Radar. Motion sensor should work by detecting movement on the ground through vibrations. If an enemy is jumping/gliding in the air they should not pop up on your motion sensor/radar. Furthermore, if you are in the air your radar/motion sensor shouldn't be active since you aren't planted on the ground to register vibrations caused by movement This would encourage people to really PICK and CHOOSE the time they want to jump as opposed to making it their go-to attack/evasion strategy. 4. TRUTH... Put the Truth back to the way it was... yet another unnecessary nerf that no1 really cared for. I don't even use the Truth and I think that nerf was excessive 5. RED DEATH.... IF red death is going to get 58% more immediate health bar regeneration as opposed to gradual full regeneration... and its quickdraw perk... and its high caliber rounds perk are all going to remain nerfed... than it should have crowd control or reactive reload subbed in to make up for it. As is currently is this gun is complete garbage, and the only guardian it kills is the one who was stupid enough to wield it. 6. HEALTH REGEN PERKS... Rework all IMMEDIATE FULL HEALTH BAR REGEN PERKS. Ex warlock and Titans melees. Lifesteal and other such immediate full bar health regen perks should be reworked to operate like hungering blade was. Its a cheap no skill perk thats plain unfair. I realize it would be hard to make it work with a kill as it activates as soon as you hit something , so make it so its not immediate, this way people in the fray still have a chance to stop you after you both enter a melee exchange. 7. SPECIALS BALANCE.... Rework special ammo. Snipers and shotgun ammo reserves should be cut by half after each death, until you get to 1 shot each, in which they cease to be cut by half obviously. Keep sidearms the way they are, this will make them viable in PVP . Add 15-25 seconds for the special weapon crate timers to make up for the changes I mentioned. 8. Palindrome range needs a slight nerf. It is still a 3crit- 6 shot kill gun, like the ill will and eyalusa, , and yet unlike them it shoots faster and its range is overkill by comparison to any other hand cannon in the game that I currently know of. 9. TRIALS... increase the timer till the position capture starts. It is to quick currently. 10.NOLANDBEYOND.... its a sniper rifle, let it flinch like one. 11. ELIMINATION... Revives make the revived player immune to damage for a half a second after they spawn back up and can move... unless they fire a shot which then cancels the immunity..However the reviver does not get an over shield like the revived player does. This will encourage headglitchers to instead attack the reviver instead of waiting for an easy head glitch. It would also make revives more risky and tactical (the reviver doesn't get an over shield, just full health) but also doesn't specifically hurt a downed players k/d whose really stuck between a rock and a hard place (I either stay dead or I get revived and get head glitches anyway... lowering my k/d without any kind of input by me as a player to stop it). 12. RAID EXOTICS... Give Raid exotics their solar/arc/void damage abilities back. This was totally unnecessary 13... I dont do 13s. 14. Hire me to your sandbox team after you put josh in the basement with a stapler... far away from the sandbox



            マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

          • When you keep changing the meta every few months you give the distinct impression that the game is broken - whether it is or not - that said, the biggest source of frustration in PvP are one-shot kills - that's all you need to fix - no more nerfs, no more buffs - just make it so that to kill someone you need a minimum of two shots...even if your sniper leaves a single hit point - get rid of one-shot kills and your PvP will be essentially fixed...



            マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

          • Masoにより編集済み: 2/20/2017 10:39:08 PM
            [b]What do you like?[/b] Higher emphasis on primary weapons Fewer snipers in PvP Fewer shotgun apes in PvP Nerfed High caliber rounds [b]What do you hate?[/b] No flinch on NLB Forced sidearm Meta Over use of sticky grenades Made defender useless in PvP with lack of shotgun ammo Nerfed clever dragon etc. when the high caliber round nerf would have been more than enough [b]What would you change?[/b] Revert some of the shotgun nerf and focus instead on Special ammo economy as a way to focus on primary weapons. Special ammo should no longer spawn in at all during a match, what you spawn with at the beginning of the match is all you get, using gear with +ammo should allow you spawn in with more. Put shade step on a cooldown similar to melee attack. Longer cooldown on Twilight Garrison. Give warlocks an evade. Stop screwing over PvE player because of PvP players, the changes to the truth have made it useless in PvE. Why not separate the two, in PvP it can hold only one rocket while in PvE it can still hold 3 at a time. As a matter of fact please institute this across the board, separate PvP and PvE when it comes to nerfs, buffs etc. Buff all primaries across the board compared to specials, not compared to player health so TTK doesn’t get lowered. Cut aim assist on all snipers by at least 50%, probably closer to 70%. And increase flinch even more. [u][/u] [u][/u]



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            2 通の返信
            • Upcoming from Bungie After recent updates we see a handful of guardians still using blink. To discourage blink altogether, Blink will now blind the user for 3 seconds upon activation so you have no idea where you land or who is waiting for you! Enjoy guardians!



              マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

            • I hate that I can't use my fusion rifle anymore. Oh well, nerf fusions right?



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              2 通の返信
              • hey cozmo, i personally love the new special ammo economy. i feel like all special weapons are just as viable now. special weapons aren't being used as primaries! which makes me very happy. and because everyone doesn't always have special ammo when i do choose to use any of my special weapons i receive better results. i would like to note that it feels like the shinobu's vow nurf is affecting my nothing manacles. it still adds tracking and an additional nade but i'm not getting as many kills with it for some reason.



                マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

              • Everything has already said enough, but I'm just inputting that until you revert the special ammo change and create a better balanced PVP scene, one in which changes to it do not affect the PVE scene, you've lost another player. My friends make fun of me for playing Destiny still since you've ruined the game for them, and now you've ruined it for me. You guys are so f*cking ignorant. Listen to your community, you morons.



                マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

              • The game became slow and boring, control games end many by time, please return special ammunition



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                1 返信
                • Can someone tell me how bungie is turning a glitch turns into a legitimate nurf and how they want to nurf red death.



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