I have a few problems with Destiny:
The storyline is crap.
It had great potential; but you didn't do anything with what you had. You just left it there and did nothing with it.
The PvP balance was frustrating.
It was "nerf this"and "nerf that" (Thorn and TLW needed it though) it was almost never "This gun feels just right. Not to OP, not to UP." Everything was changing for the worse, and barely for the better.
What I did/do like about Destiny are things that just felt super cool.
Like when you first see your ghost when he revives you. Or Dinkelbot saying "We've woken the Hive!" Imo Dinkelbot was so much better than Nolandbot. (sorry I don't know how to spell his name 😅)
The sniper battles were also *so* much fun. At least when we both missed then one hit. Same thing when it was shotguns.
The things I liked was pretty much everything when I first started. But then it got so repetitive that it was boring.
So my advice for D2 is to make a storyline that players want to play over and over again.
Go off of the Queen's brother first maybe, or really anything.
Then make DLCs that go on to other things in the Destiny universe. There are a LOT of things that I want to fight/team up with. I.e. The Ahahamkara, Osiris and teaming with the Stranger.
Destiny is a great game. But it wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be.
I hope D2 will be just as good as D1, just with a better storyline and DLCs that are somehow are "hinted" and connected to the the storyline or previous DLC in some form.
Hand cannons should be a secondary with side arms, maybe leave one exotic in the primary same as vex and nlb.
BannedMythicAccountにより編集済み: 3/23/2017 5:00:58 AMThe only way D2 can learn from the mistakes of D1 is to recognize that they failed a huge majority of their fanbase at the start of D1 with the lack of content regarding story. But MORE importantly, the everyday hardcore base, which supported Destiny 1's crucible. Bungie needs to recognised that during the period after HOW release into TTK they made a series of mistakes in the crucible that continues towards today. It has and continues to damage the game's popularity and chances to regain that portion of the fanbase since the crucible narrative changed focus from casual fun towards conservative hardcore ultra-subjective 'balance'. Both styles are fine, but Bungie [or the people in charge of crucible more specifically] just do not, i repeat just DO NOT understand that changing the narrative when the foundations were in placed to be something it's now not and failing to follow through by supported a system that was otherwise working and generating buzz, into something trying to be reminiscent of balance like the Halo 3 MLG days, just those NOT work mid cycle into a games launch. They -blam!-ed up, they just need to own up on it. That't the only way to convince that daily hardcore base to return back to Destiny through Destiny 2.
I liked the PvP meta of fusions and autos. Fusions were a good middle ground between shotguns and snipers. Too close and you get blasted, too far and you got domed. And you could still beat an auto at range with a hand cannon or scout. And there were a good number of very accurate pulse rifles that could compete by being more precise.
xOmegaMaxにより編集済み: 3/24/2017 3:50:38 AMAll I want in D2 is to know more about the exo stranger, they just dropped that...