I'm sure a lot of people who are MLG and play crucible a lot know this, but I wanna know, how many of you out there use emotes in trials or in normal crucible to give you the edge? Yes, that's right, I said [i]edge[/i]. A small handy trick pros often do is to go to the corner of walls and sit down or emote, which effectively puts them in a 3rd person view, allowing them to scan for those annoying hardscopers or just anyone waiting to shotgun you in the face, without coming in their radar, if you are far away. I am aware many people know this, but just wanted to throw this out there to help people not knowing this handy trick learn.
I want to hear feedback, curious to know how many of you do do it and if you do, do you add anything else or combo it up with some other trick for some godly crucible play? If you have any other tricks up your sleeve, do feel free to leave it down below, so others may also get good in competitive, and hopefully not stay lighthouse virgins like me.... (._.)(;_;)