Ok so TIFU and was grabbing my mic which I didn't realize was wrapped around my PS3 controller, which I don't even use anymore lol, and it pulled it off the ledge and the controller landed in the very center of the PS4 from about 4-5 feet up. With the mass of a Dualshock 3 being 192 grams or .192 kilograms, and the acceleration of gravity being 9.8 meters/second^2, that means that the controller struck the PS4 with 1.88 Newtons of force. Is this enough to damage it? Should I be worried?
Considering 1.88 newtons is about 1.2 lbs per foot of say you would be fine. It would take at least 3.0 newton to do any serious damage.
You didn't account for air resistance on the way down. Your controller hit the PS4 with <1.88 newtons. Unless your game room is a vacuum.
Lol and everyone in my science class is like "when will we ever need to use Newton's second law in real life?"
Could have damaged it, but it's unlikely. Even if something is broken you can always fix it yourself.