It seems to me as if everyone's getting really selfish with all of the light level sht in this game. Uh stop being -blam!- and actually help others out who are a lower light level then you. Who cares if someone's a 309 trying to do hard mode raid. Suck it up and back pack the man, that's how people get better. That's how pretty much everyone on destiny got their light levels up there so why can't you bastards help?
If anyone wants help with trials during the weekends add me. I'm very good at pvp and will carry you through to the light house. Just kinda hold your own.
EDIT 1:K/d does not matter, you can have the trashiest k/d and be great at this game in pvp just because of the fact you sucked when you first started and your k/d is slowly moving up. I've had destiny since the beta. Don't doubt people just because of k/d you'll get butt hurt when you get trashed by a kid with a 1.19 k/d and you have a 2.0
My gamertag if anyone wants to add me is J3h0va Witn3ss. My names Jimbo.
The selfish is the 309 who ask high light guys to help him and complains that nobody want to help him.
If I have a couple of 319 it's just because I did the raid every weeks and spent lots of time trying/doing the raids. So o have the right to ask for high light guardians who spent time like I did.
So I were a 309 at this point of the game I would clearly ask for help if I wanted to play with high light guardians. And wouldn't be mad at them if they were saying nah.
Btw the issue I would have with a 309 guardian is more about his lack of experience in hard raid rather than his light level.