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Destiny について話し合おう
6/15/2017 6:47:09 AM

It's always nice to see that fuzzy face Luke Smith ..BUT WHERE IS JASON JONES? !

So I have been watching alot of videos on destiny 2 even when I am working on my awesome body in the gym. Now don't get me wrong I like hearing from that fuzz ball Luke Smith...hes a genius! But nowhere do you see Jason Jones talking about the game........has he gone full Howard Hughes on us.......?......where is the king Arthur of Bungieton? He needs to come out of Shadows and speak and im not just talking about a cameo .......Seriously this is after all the world his genius created....Think about it. ..if Jason Jones never started Bungie what would we be doing.......I know I would be a little bored but I would still be good looking because I am awesome. This post is brought to you by broken steel 3 Bungie forum hall of famer and your bungie forum heavyweight champion and author of the award winning poem Tears of the Fanboy
#Destiny #fuzz



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