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Destiny について話し合おう
reyway777により編集済み: 8/22/2017 12:48:21 AM

Speaker is a disappointment

Honestly I don't know about you, but I want to see the Speaker do something badass. Like I wanna see him use (he's a warlock right?) Nova Bomb and nuke Ghual's ship and unleash hell on every Cabal soldier like there's no problem. He wouldn't use any guns, just raw Warlock power, and out of seeming no where, he unleashes a DawnBlade, burning the Consules ass to cinder. Or hell, why stop at just Warlock, give the guy Nightstaker and Hammer of Sol. Give the guy every Subclass from every class. Make the speaker at least seem like the leader of God slaying army of immortals. I know you lot probably don't care but if I must say, I would be overjoyed if any of that happened in D2. Even just seeing him throw one granade would be fine. Especially if it nuked a whole area lol



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