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Destiny について話し合おう
Zelronsにより編集済み: 8/30/2017 6:03:18 PM

I spent two hours last night Sherpaing people up Felwinter's Peak

I'm not sure what generated so much interest all the sudden but I enjoyed it. Back when RoI first came out I tried Sherpaing (literally) people up the mountain by showing them which ledges to to jump on and where they should jump on them. I even made a cheeky little costume I called "The White Wolf". But interest in climbing quickly faded after I imagine that most people already collected the fragment. Last night though I noticed a group throwing themselves off the peak so I climbed up there to join them and we danced for a bit. When I noticed someone else was down below trying to make their way up and climbed down (Ironically more difficult than climbing up) to show them the way. I even donned the White Wolf at one point. Two hours later I had Sherpaed four people, some of which had never made it to the top evidenced by them picking up the cluster. And to be honest it was probably the most fun I've had with Destiny in quite some time. May your feet be swift, your body strong, and your mind sharp, Guardians.



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