Originally a world of Warcraft reference meaning "lol" has been... repurposed somehow... to be a hate term.
Someone... please explain this to me... because I am literally laughing that a "for the horde" reference of lol is somehow demeaning or can somehow be repurposed considering that was being said back in 2004...
It isn't. 4chan users "created" the kekistan nation (because of the prevalence of the "kek" phrase being used as "lol" on the internet), the kekistani being 4channers and memers alike. The flag was designed to look like it says kek. Then at a rally in the US it was worn by extrimists and was thought of as a hate symbol by some (f**king normies). When a similar design showed up on hunter gauntlets in destiny 2, some (f**king normies) have noticed that and accused bungie/activision of being extrimists, bungie/activision not wanting a bad rep decided to change the gauntlet design to not be offensive to those (f**king normies) who found it offensive. There ye go.
Its an onomatopoeia, a sound you make when you laugh a little at something. I guess laughing is a hateful expression now?
It's quite simple. The swastika was once a peaceful symbol. [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url] repurposed it to represent their beliefs. Now it represents hate. The same has happened with 'kek.'
Lets make the Bungie logo a symbol for hate by having a couple KKK members wear it, It'll be funny to see what they do then. To answer your question, it doesn't, not yet, anyway, but Activision/Bungie cannot afford to be seen in a negative spotlight on these types of issues. Especially in these times of political correctness in western society and especially in the U.S, it could be disastrous for them. It would be almost akin to supporting Trump! What horror!
It's 4chan's meme army or some dumb shit. Apparently they're being profiled as a hate group.
- Kinda pathetic, really......
- I really don't understand why it is exclusively interpreted as a symbol of hate. Suggesting so, is purely ignorant. The swastika is another example. It is extremely ignorant for only one use instance of a symbol be remembered and to forget other use instances by discouraging discourse by banning the use of the symbol.
Onion Beetle Fanにより編集済み: 9/15/2017 11:34:26 AMits called cultural resignification. meaning the more people use it, the more likely the original meaning will be scraped off the face of the earth for something else new no matter how good or evil the meaning now carry.