A [url=https://mobile.twitter.com/Carebear_hinch/status/915320369938075648]triggered SJW normie[/url] has lashed out! We must attack with weaponized autism!
1 返信
SuperStormDroidにより編集済み: 10/4/2017 5:28:44 AMThat's it! The Ancient Joke Police hereby declares war on Kekistan! Death to kekistan! Kek is a false God! Glory to our feline overlords! *Deploys killer robot LOLcats*
Why are you linking to a random person's twitter account, that has nothing to do with your topic?
She's not an SJW, she's just a salty thot who was dumped because of her thottish ways.
Just ignore the SJW, they will get upset and do something so stupid the media will actually cover them.