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10/26/2017 7:45:13 AM

Need informations: Using VPN to play

Dear Support! Id like to play with the game from my office when I have free time for it (at night usually), but there the battlenet port is closed, and the only way to play games whats needed a app is playing trough a VPN app. So my question is: Can I play with the game without any issues and without a fraid about get ban for it? I dont want to get a ban for playing a different country IP, nor for a third-party program. My VPN programs list what i use when I play from my office: - Windscribe, - ZPN, - PrivateTunnel PS: Im able to play any Uplay, and Origin games without any problem, so I hope I can play with Destiny 2 as well without any restrictions, and issues Thank you so much for your kind answer and for your replies! Best Regards, Levente



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