I've been playing Destiny since the beginning and immediately was so drawn in and invested. Spent countless hours and days playing as much as I could. The grind was so real and through the years the life of quality improved within the game. I, along with many others in the community, WAS so excited to see Destiny finally come with new content again. Destiny 2 looks amazing and feels smoother when changing activities, but the grind along with other improvements that came along with Destiny went out the window completely. Bungie claims they are listening, but I don't know if they are. I haven't played in almost a month because I can't play with my crucible buddies like I would like to. Almost any 6v6 crucible match was one of my favorite things to do with my buddies. Every crucible match seems to be sweaty even in quickplay. Oh I can't choose what kind of game I want to engage in? Oh dealers choice? I don't want to be forced into a supremacy match when all I want to do is play control or clash. All I'm saying is that there were options in Destiny 1. Maybe we should've just kept Destiny 1 the way it was or just have upgraded Destiny 1 to look and run better for the newer consoles with all the same things you can do in D2. I don't believe there ever was a WoW 2 and maybe for good reason. BUNGIE START LISTENING FOR REAL. I wanna play this game again with my friends.