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PsychoMantis-PTにより編集済み: 1/16/2018 10:33:27 AM

Just went back to Destiny 1 and OMG!!

I'm bored with D2 atm, done everything and have all exotics, there is nothing worthwhile chasing! So i decided to reinstall D1 and play Rise o Iron wich i havent played in the past.. and OMG!! What a huge difference!! So many steps back were given in D2 in comparison!! In D2 the loot system is awfull for a looter shooter, it has no rpg elements, no loot customization, no random stats, armor is just cosmetic (wich is more than half the loot drops), the mod system is a joke atm, the primary and energy weapon slots are frustrating, no endgame loot worthwile chasing, no strike specific loot, uninteresting nighfalls with poor modifiers, no heroic strikes with modifiers, no class customization, even the vault organization is a mess! And the list goes on! And all those things are not gonna be fixed! Or at least some of them are on bungies list but not for soon.. Its sad to see a new game wich they charge us 60€ that more feels like a DLC that was meant to be inserted on top of D1 than an independent game by itself.. Its just wrong to release a sequel without bringing anything they learned over the years with the previous game! Seems the game was made by a small independent studio in wich no one knew what destiny was and then Bungie put their logo on it! Just all very sad!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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