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Peasantにより編集済み: 3/28/2018 2:57:14 PM

Disappointed that Warlocks were given skating

Just wanted to post on here that I am pretty disappointed that the warlocks were given the mobility option that the Titans had in D1. I realize that it was unintentional in D1 but it definitely became a part of the Titan identity to me. It feels really shitty to me that now as a Titan my ability to skate was removed because it was said to be unintentional, but now Warlocks have the same skating ability but better. I don want Warlocks ability to skate to be removed, but I would really like Titans to have the ability to skate again. I know its childish but it feels like a toy that I had was taken away from me because it was unfair to everyone else who didn't have it, and now its been given to another kid on the playground behind my back. It just feels unfair. If it has been decided that one class can have it then I feel that Titans should be able to have it too. TL:DR I was OK with the removal of the coolest aspect of the Titan movement because it was unfair to the other classes, but if it is OK to be given to the Warlocks it should be OK for Titans as well. Just wanted to post my two cents.



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