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LordZoltanにより編集済み: 5/18/2018 3:28:18 AM

Operation: off-topic thunder chapter 3

Taking a hard left on North Oak, Zoltan put his foot down on the accelerator and the V8 Hemi roared to life. He sped towards Early street like a bat out of hell. Keeping his eyes peeled for any more corpses/walkers/zombies. "What will we call them?" He thought to himself as he turned right on Early. "Like how many shows are there about this very thing and they all have different names for the undead!" He did his best to keep his truck on the road. And then slowed down to turn into his driveway. He put the truck in park and looked around. Not seeing anything resembling a shambling corpse, he exited the vehicle and quickly got through the front door, locking it behind him. He paused and listened to the silence in the house. "Nothing out of the ordinary", he thought. Quietly, but urgently, he looked in each room to check on his children. They were sleeping. He then went to his bedroom where his wife Marie lay sleeping. He put his hand on her arm and nudged her, "babe, wake up", he said quietly. "Oh, morning baby, how was your night", she replied. "My night was fine, but there's something I need to tell you", he said, trying to sound calm. "What is it Zoltan?", she asked, with a look that said, you better be serious, because if not I'm going to be pissed. "You know when I bought those two swords and jokingly said I was preparing for a zombie apocalypse?" "I do, and I also remember telling you that you didn't need an excuse to buy yourself something baby. You take care of your family and you make good money. If you want something, get it", she replied. "Yes my darling, I know. But my point is that I think it's happening" "What's happening?", she asked with a look of disbelief in her eyes. "The zombie apocalypse"



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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