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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Donkiにより編集済み: 5/25/2018 2:10:24 PM

Damn this game is baaaaad. And I bought it after several patches and 2 DLCs.

Holly f@çk knuckless ... I got the game from humble bundle as it barely cost more then lunch money ... so hey why not. I enjoyed D1 after I bought the collection bundle. I also seen the reviews and whatnot, so I kinda knew I should expect an inferiour prodict to D1. But this is just borderline underwhelming. I mean the story is just 'meh' at best, which is shame provided the universe. The endgame content would be fun, if the game wouldn't bounce from mostly easy, to 'what the -blam!- is going on hard'. I mean some of those Heroic strike modifyers are meant to -blam!- players over. I'm at 265light level after barely 15 hours, and at this point I'm just redoing the same shit until I maybe try the raid. I've been redoing the same events over and over. There are like 3 or 4 per planet? Some times I get the same one 5 times ina row. Plus If you are the only one in the zone, the game still treats the event as if 3 or 4 ppl are around, as it spawns the same number of enemies. I've failed several events so far as the game in 2018 still cannot scale events based on the number of players present in a zone. Hell other games have done it years ago. Enemy scaling based on the number of player shouldn't be a huge f@cking deal at this point. I doubt the DLC would give me so much more to do. I can't remember who said this was a glorafied DLC, but it was spot on, as it does look and feel like one. No way I'm paying full price for the DLC's which are worth 5 euros each at best. But the biggest fail for me is the PvP. I mean its so bad it ists like a collection of all things that aren't supposed to be in an FPS PvP matchup. D1 PvP had issues ... but this ... its like they went '-blam!- it, just put it in and we'll fix it later ... maybe' Spawn points are awfull. I have matches where 80% of it I'm just spawn dying. Like I'm still in the -blam!-ing spawn animation then just flatened out. Its 2018. How hard is it to provide spawning players 2 seconds of immunity (and of course they can't do damage either) so they can get to cover. Balancing is even worst. I mean I get players who have their power weapons up almost the whole match. Plus weapons that 2 shot me. Abilities are all over the place. Like hunters just dominate everything. There are hunters who roleplay Thanos, since they clear half of the map with a snap of their fingers. With PvP in this state they have the cheek to add a competitive matchmaking to it and have hopes of going MLG? Stop kidding yourselfs ... They say, this game will be on the same elevel as D1 was by the end of this year .... but I strongly doubt that. For a company who was once revered as the pinacle of univerese building and competitive multiplayer fps, this isn't evena shadow of that. I will never forget how they said Destiny would be their 10 year plan. I can already see how Destiny 3 wll be announced where they will 'fix shit' finally. I'll be amazed if ppl will be stupid enough to pay for it. You wan't ppl to get back to this game? Fix it, plan more extra content for free to flash out both lore end end game content. We won't pay fro promises. Get our confidence back first. Make the base game free to show ppl you care and you wnat to improve. And once you actually deliver start charging ppl for extra content. I won't even get into the lootboxes... Get your shit straight ... or there won't be a Bungie around for long.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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