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maedgonzalesにより編集済み: 6/7/2018 4:32:31 PM

Clear backpacks and metal detectors at school

So next year at my school they are demand that we have clear backpacks for the school year. [b][i][u]I HAVE NEVER SEEN A BIG CLEAR BACKPACK![/u][/i][/b] Also they are adding metal detectors at my school and you’ll have to be pat down. It’s mentally -blam!- and guess what else! My friend has diabetes and he has his electronic pump and if he goes through that metal detector it’s fried and he could die [spoiler]#dumbassSchools[/spoiler] and the metal detector is going to go off on almost every kid cause they all have phones!!!! Also the clear backpack ain’t so shot cause we can still take duffle bags (for spots) and binders to school and some kid can just put a gun in there (not to mention the metal in the binders) Also for the past 2 years plastic guns have been advancing and right now some kid could take plastic smg and bullets in their duffle bag Also that’s not gonna stop some drunk man saggin his pants double smging up my school or any school for that matter. The law doesn’t stop people the police do and police response times are 10-30 minutes The news is particularly to blame for the sudden 400% increase in school shootings because they just blow it up and that puts the thought into the peoples head and that causes people to do it. Just like tide pods they increased tenfold right after the news blew them up Link to more in depth video [url=] tide pod/ news blow up[/url] And my final point is that the chance of dying in a school shooting in the U.S is less than 000.0000001% you are more likely to die by a fricken vending machine So what do y’all think on this topic? I think it’s stupid



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