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Dragonにより編集済み: 8/10/2018 5:37:50 AM

Glory ranking problem and more

I had tried to join a match of comp, it gave me the error making it so i couldn’t play, but it also gave me the punishment of losing 10 points. So i tried again and same thing error (elderberry) but now im down 25 points and can’t play comp for 30 mins when i never even left orbit. id like my points back if possible or at least a ban lift ( My friend was with and the same thing happened his gamer tag is O0709 ) grinding for redrick’s claymore is hard enough as is, let alone when we get penalized for nothing update now im just having problems in general, i tried to play a strike to pass time but it too was broken, enemies weren’t spawning then we got to the boss and the guy would stand in the middle and the minotaur ( tree of probabilities ) was kinda just t posing instead of being a dead pile metal. update ive gotten several errors now rabbit baboon elderberry i’m getting annoyed because i can see other people are playing just fine with screen sharing but i cannot even join a match without a 2 min black screen just to get sent back to orbit and as a side note none of the troubleshooting stuff worked i have wired internet with a download speed of 34.6 mbps and an upload of 12.8mbps, i was able to play raindow six, monster hunter, and dying light all perfectly fine obly minutes after having issues on destiny
#Help #Elderberry



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