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8/25/2018 6:42:00 AM

Bungie Haters Recruitment

Hello fellow guardians, We are recruiting for end game raiders and crucible players! We are a small clan that are consistently growing, mainly based on the west coast of us. But have east coast and the UK covered. We are a very friendly and helpful clan, we have taught so many people raids we can’t even count how many. Our main raid team so far, still has room for 2 players to complete it. Ideally, we want players who have completions of end game content (prestige raids) ready for forsaken’s new raid to hit us. We are wanting to set up as many raid teams as possible, which will all be set up through our lovely discord. Requirements - 370+ power 10 normal completions, 5 prestige FULL completions (across all raids, if joining for the raider role.) - Message me if you have any queries or questions. 1.0KD+ for those joining as a crucible player. Discord (trust me it’s worth it! Easiest way to contact fellow players) Feel free to contact me or join up to the clan and seek the discord link from us. Happy Killing! oO-BR4AD-Oo Admin of Bungie Haters Clan



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