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9/27/2018 10:53:21 PM

To t e c h n o h y d r a: Defining terms aka got a bone to pick with yuh

Someone PM 'im because this user doesn't do that or reply in others' threads. Liked half of yr post reply to R F i l l y on that one thread recently, but yr only half right, eye am inclined to agree with a distinction between disorder and non-disorder M.D.D., between external and internal causalities of mania and being maniacal with the word 'manic' having different definitions, as many words in many languages do (there's only so many to place a meaning on, so why not over the course of history make use of the same word or pronunciation over again?), but this user SEVERELY disagrees with the take on the psychopathy and sociopathy being the same thing nowadays. Yuh got it backwards, they both USED to be called the same thing and grouped together but today they have been (rightly) separated. There IS a bunch of differences between psychopaths and sociopaths as DocJBP and Aydn Paladn talk about, among others, and illustrated in many modern media creations in entertainment genres. The Jokr being a psycho, and some more 'normal' (common, by percentage vs. psychopaths in society) people in The Walkng Ded. One is apt to actually go outside and initiate contact/conflict and is remorseless and a capable liar with emotions either under control or emotionless and the other has selective emotional responses but still has a conscience and is too pre-occupied playing video games to go outside. Get it? Got it? Good. Because grouping the two as the same is HORRIBLY wrong and dangerous. There's a great many people who share socio-pathic traits and even some psycho-pathic traits that should not and are not full-blown psychopaths, narcissistic or not, and be treated/ostracized/attacked and hauled away like The Jokr and be placed with 'em. It's unfair to a large percentage of people, ESPECIALLY today, since 1 9 1 0 the average amount of neurotic people has skyrocketed. That is all.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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