Exploiting "The Corrupted Strike" for as many Kills as possible for Rockstar Riots?!
Rockstar Riots Competition is running in its 5th Week.
So many players including me try to compete and make as much points as humanly possible to get a place in the top ten Leaderboard:
(Copying the Leaderboard into the Thread by writing them down here is not allowed it seems. Freelancing moderators will redact an allready open to public accessible Leaderboard because it stands vs code of conduct. So check up the Link yourself.)
Ok lets start my complain.
I am almost having no sleep. 16hours within 5 days only so far.
My strikes including making Lost sectors cant compete vs another ones Runs like f.e. that one in/outside(Patrol area) "The Corrupted" strike.
I am at a loss how the guys listed there can only die twice and make the whole run including making kills probably in another spot to make precision kills.
Both guys having 1616 and 1615 precision kills and that is not much as the other guy did make that several times with even more precision kills. Just check their Bungieprofiles and their game history.
So lets ask Rockstar and Bungie if doing this is absolutly allowed as a "creative way to make points" instead of calling it like using excessivly an "Exploit"
Here are two deeplinks of the Games Historys, from both guys.
You can check them and try to explain for us how to make that work.[/b]
The competition is over this coming weekend.
So either everybody knows about it before end of competition and how to use this this or similar exploit. To make it even for everyone, or you name it... disqualify everyone including me.
Me who used Lost Sectors to make some Precision kills to gain some small points more but in a less effective way than that what the other two guys are using.
Ahh and btw, i met also another guy coincidently while running strikes who's in the Topten leaderboard.
Playing a Warlock 7/8 mobility, 1 Resilience, and 9 Recovery running the "Gardenworld" in speedrun manner. Using Transversive steps.
[b]And using an AFK Script/Makro[/b].
[b]Are AFK Makro's allowed, making the character move and make other things on one spot?[/b]
Also it seem he used another Makro similar to Titanskating but for Warlocks.
I have Videorecording of him speeding around and using the AFK Script.
A guy who made even the 24h Last Wish Emblem is falling back to make use of Makros?
I thought people of that caliber are skilled players. Seems i have to change my mind.
I am really interested when things are called an exploit and are usable in competitions to win real prizes and if Bungie and Rockstar are OK with that.
Talking of that, i have made even another Thread about me assuming people are using Accountsharing in the former Strike week in the second week of Rockstars competition.
You can read it here:
So the talk is open for your considerations about it.
And of course i assume people will call this a witchhunt.
But sometimes things need to be spoken about to bring light into the darkness.