Is anyone else having issues with the wall of wishes? I've tried watching videos and following along, but every time I enter a wish and step on the plate, the wall goes red and the wish is wiped. Is there a step or requirement that I'm missing?
1.I step on the plate then step off.
2. Enter wish on the wall.
3. Double check the sigils.
4. Step back on plate.
If you didn't put anything in on the Wall, you don't have to step on the plate before shooting the Symbols.
Then you have to put in your Wish. Be sure that you have a clear picture of the Wish as some Symbols are almost the same, e.g. Dragon with Spear looking left and Dragon without spear looking left. If you are sure that you put in the Wish correctly, step on the plate and stay there until the Wish happens or the Symbols are wiped.