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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Ferus Luxにより編集済み: 12/14/2018 9:11:47 PM

Funny story about Luna's Howl.

Okay, so I'm gonna come right out and say that I dont approve of Luna's Howl spam in Quickplay, so I tea bag this one guy in Rumble after killing him and afterwards, he asked me why I tea bagged. He called me trash and so I called for a 1v1. Sure enough, he put on the ****boy starter pack and equipped the Dustrock Blues and Lunas Howl. I opted not to use mine. Instead, I put on Coldheart to let the salt ensue. Fast forward to me destroying him, he messages: "YOOO no trace rifles." Me: Why not? Idiot: "Their broken rn" Me: Then no Lunas Howl. Idiot: "I meanm I'll pu one on if u really don't wanna take itt off" Also, idiot: "That's diff I earned it in comp" Me: No it's not different. Luna's Howl has one of the fastest TTK Idiot: "Yaa and I earned itt fromm grinding comp and its suppose to" Me: Well Trace Fusions are special weapons, they're supposed to be strong. You only get 50 ammo with them btw. Idiot: "Fine I'll pput one on if u really dont get it" Also, idiot: "Ya that's why itsbroken in a 1v1not quickplay" Me: Luna's Howl is broken in a 1v1. What gun can really duel it and win? Idiot: "Fine ill switch if u do" Also, idiot: "Even tho these r completely diff scenarios" Me: If Lunas Howl is allowed to be strong then I don't see why a special weapon isn't allowed to be, just cuz you want your Luna's Howl to beat everything. [b]Moral of the Story[/b]: I just wanna highlight this ridiculous mentality that alot of these kinds of players have. Luna's Howl users are some of the worst filth this side of the Traveler. (But I'm nice though) Oh, and Coldheart absolutely DESTROYS Luna's Howl. The word is out. Let's take quickplay back Guardians. Send them home crying.



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