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3/8/2019 4:01:55 PM

(XB1)Active Clan looking for Day Players

Secrets of the Void is an active clan full of chill and fun players looking to complete the many objectives that Destiny 2 has to offer. Our mission is to create a community where Guardians can receive help at a moments notice and not be hindered by the lack of an extra person. We group together, work as a well coordinated team and get things done. Clan roster looking empty?Always looking for someone to play with? Reach into the Void and take what you find. New to the raid or finding yourself constantly stuck at the boss? Let us give you the strength to efficiently complete damage phases with ease. Are you a team player? We will light your path to success. Are you sick of being the only one doing a public event? We will show you how to do it heroically. Experienced player wanting to spread your knowledge? Teach us what you know. [b][u]Requirements[/u] -We are mainly looking for dedicated, early bird players who are willing to assist others within the clan. -580+ Light -Be Active Consistently, no ghost members -Try to group up with other clan mates. We do better together. -We have discord, it is our main outlet of communication. Use it often[/b] comment on this post if you want to join. The Void is infinite, opportunities are endless...



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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