What is the dlc exotics drop rate for base game owners?
I'm almost sure there are similar posts, but can't find them and information in the open kind of contradictory (Bungie, please consider adding search/making it visible).
To the point:
Owning the base game.
Got most of base game exotics, 0 of dlc ones (weapons/armor).
Are they(dlc exotic armor and weapons) sealed specifically to dlc owners?
Some further details:
I do get vehicles (e.g. Otherside from Osiris dlc, Burnout from Forsaken etc.).
Legendary stuff drops too, up to tangled web plate (Forsaken dlc).
No dlc golden and shiny (and it's totally fine if it's locked behind dlc purchase, but it's not clear atm.).
Pushing to power 300 before upgrade, but it would be nice to know.
Is it 0 rate for base game owners? Is it some 0.0001 % or what?
Many thanks in advance for the direct answers to direct questions (: