More transparency about current D2, frequent commentary, and etc would go a really long way
I'm gonna speak for everyone and say that we feel more in the dark than ever. If there was just some more transparency about current D2 and some commentary I feel like it would ease 50% of community tension/anxiety. We don't need anything official like TWAB, literally could just be tweets from people on various teams.
We need honesty and full information, especially on hot button issues and plans. Like even the technical stuff, for example the sandbox - like if you guys can't do something easily, or if seemingly simple fixes are actually super complicated, literally just tell us why! Even if it's technical jargon about the code and most probably won't get it - at least its a reason why. If guys mess up on something, own up to it! The alternative is what we currently have, which is nothing. When you leave things to the community to speculate for ourselves, thats when the toxicity starts - every youtuber puts out a video, the forums go haywire, and chaos ensues.
When people are informed about things they are more likely to be understanding. All we want is some real conversations and discussion.