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7/29/2019 7:07:19 AM

You heared about the Total War Community manager and his comment about the YouTuber Arch Warhammer?

Context first (in a few sentences): Arch Warhammer is a 200k sub YouTuber with focus on Strategy games. He critisized some publishers for removing Game mods which changes the appearance of Warlord characters into WAIFUS. In result a/the community manager of the developer said, that named YouTuber Arch Warhammer is a "dumbass". So, Arch Warhammer did respond with a statement, that the developer support violence, but not sexuality. [b]Now let's head to the discussion[/b] In my opinion, people like Arch Warhammer should not be allowed to have any girlfriend/wife in their lifes because if this shit mindset. Women are more than just their body. Everyone who doesn't accept that is just an uncivilized barbarian in my eyes. And I say this as a man. Not as a defender for women.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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