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8/27/2019 5:32:40 PM

Accidentally Missed Jubilant Shell

Today before the reset I was just able to finish my warlock's solstice armor, marking my completion of having done it on all three classes. I did this 18 minutes before the reset (the reason as to why this happened at the last possible point in time was because I was in the middle of a move for the majority of the duration of solstice of heroes; I spent the past two nights practically without sleep to complete the armor on my titan and warlock). To celebrate by throwing money at the game, I then bought a bunch of silver to purchase all the event specific eververse items that I was still missing. I lost lots of time when I couldn't figure out why the emotes in the store said "not enough space". When I realized that the emotes were not directly unlocked and instead sent as packages (this is my first time buying something with silver in eververse), I quickly unlocked everything, but in this haste, I missed the Jubilant Shell as I thought I had already bought it along with everything else. I noticed this a mere minute or two after the reset came into effect. It is admittedly disappointing when everything except for this had somehow worked perfectly due to my effort, despite the lesser amounts of time available to me and lack of wifi in my new place (I use a hotspot on a prepaid sim card until that is sorted). Is there anyone I can contact or anything I can do to obtain the Jubilant Shell and have the respective 600 Silver removed from my account? Any help or guidance is tremendously appreciated Thank you for reading and understanding I hope you've had a wonderful solstice



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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